1. TOP
  2. Bending Tools
  3. AFH Tooling

AFH Tooling

HG/EG/HDS/HD Recommendation
Return Bend Graph

* L:835mm  M:510mm  SS:200mm  Ears:200mm (Right 100 Left 100) Sect.:370mm (10×2,15,20,25,40,50,100×2)
 Sect. B:800mm (10,15,20,40,50,100,200,365) __:Order Item > Heavy Gauge Punch/Die > Recommended Holder: FEAT AFH Die Holder

  • Die 30°
  • Die 1
  • Die 2
Profile Angle V Width W CATNo. Allowable Tonnage Height Weight
Hardness HRC55
30° 4 14 A84031 160kN/m 60 5.3 L
A84531 3.2 M
A84732 1.3 SS
A84831 2.3 Sect.
S84631 5.0 Sect. B
V=4 Type-R
AFH120 V=4 Type-R
Hardness HRC55
R84031 5.3 L
R84531 3.2 M
R84732 1.3 SS
R84831 2.3 Sect.
R8S631 5.0 Sect. B
AFH120 V=6タイプ
Hardness HRC55
30° 6 17 A70031 180kN/m 60 6.1 L
A70531 3.7 M
A70732 1.5 SS
A70831 2.7 Sect.
S70631 5.8 Sect. B
V=6 Type-R
AFH120 V=6Type-R
Hardness HRC55
R70031 6.1 L
R70531 3.7 M
R70732 1.5 SS
R70831 2.7 Sect.
R7063S 5.8 Sect. B
AFH120 V=8
Hardness HRC55
30° 8 20 A71031 200kN/m 60 6.8 L
A71531 4.1 M
A71732 1.6 SS
A71831 3.0 Sect.
S71631 6.4 Sect. B
V=8 Type-R
AFH120 V=8R
Hardness HRC55
R71031 6.8 L
R71531 4.1 M
R71732 1.6 SS
R71831 3.0 Sect.
RS1631 6.4 Sect. B
AFH120 V=10
Hardness HRC55
30° 10 25 A72031 260kN/m 60 8.2 L
A72531 5.0 M
A72732 1.9 SS
A72831 3.6 Sect.
S72631 7.7 Sect. B
V=10 Type-R
AFH120 V=10R
Hardness HRC55
R72031 8.0 L
R72531 4.9 M
R72732 1.9 SS
R72831 3.6 Sect.
RS2631 7.7 Sect. B
AFH120 V=12
Hardness HRC55
30° 12 30 A74031 300kN/m 60 9.1 L
A74531 5.6 M
A74732 2.2 SS
A74831 4.0 Sect.
S74631 8.8 Sect. B
V=12 Type-R
AFH120 V=12R
Hardness HRC55
R74031 9.1 L
R74531 5.6 M
R74732 2.2 SS
R74831 4.0 Sect.
R7S631 8.8 Sect. B
  • AFH die has special relief in order to gain the perfect alignment and tooling origin. Please be sure to use the same angle for combination to obtain the origin position. If the origin position is determined by different angle combination, the first bend for the product may be more acute than expected angle.
  • Hardness of AFHDies with A.L.D. are different from of AFHDies without A.L.D., so AFHDies with A.L.D. can not be used together with AFHDies without A.L.D..
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